
 ISTA’23- Extended Submission Deadline: October 10, 2023 (Firm)

Call for Papers: Workshop on Advances in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Symmetry (CVPRLMS-2023)
Submission Deadline: October 25, 2023

Intelligent systems refer broadly to computer-embedded or controlled systems, machines, and devices that possess a certain degree of intelligence with the capacity to gather and analyze data and communicate with other systems. There is a growing interest in developing intelligent technologies that enable users to accomplish complex tasks in different environments with relative ease.

The Seventh International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA’23) aims to bring together researchers in related fields to explore and discuss various aspects of intelligent systems technologies and their applications. The Symposium will provide excellent opportunities for the presentation of interesting new research results and discussion about them, leading to knowledge transfer and the generation of new ideas.

The selected best papers will be published as a special issue in the Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (JIFS), IOS Press, Netherlands (SCI Impact Factor  2023: 2). The journal is indexed by Scopus, ACM Digital Library, Compendex, Computer Science Index, Inspec IET, Web of Science: Current Contents/Engineering, Computing, and Technology, Web of Science: Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Web of Science: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch®) etc..

ISTA’23 is co-affiliated with the International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (ACN’23), December 18-20, 2023, Bangalore, India . The symposium will feature plenary/keynote talks, workshops, demonstrations, parallel technical sessions, and tutorials.

The Conference will be held at PES University, Bangalore. Bangalore is the capital city of the Southern state of Karnataka, India. It is Asia’s fastest-growing cosmopolitan city. It is home to some of the very well-known high-tech industries in India. Bangalore is known as the Silicon City of India. Bangalore is also home to some of India’s premier scientific establishments. Bangalore is blessed with a moderate climate, gardens & parks, natural lakes, architectural landmarks, shopping malls, the best restaurants, and more.

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